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Amendment #12 Fences


Proposed Changes:

Amend provisions of the Windham Zoning Ordinance governing Fences by deleting the existing language of Section 710.3.1 and replacing it with the following “No fences in the Residence A, B, C, Rural, Village Center District, and Historic Districts shall be constructed over four feet (4') in height for fences located within the minimum required front yard. Fences located within the minimum required side and rear yards may be a maximum of six feet (6') in height.”

Recommended by the Planning Board 6-0

From the Planning Board and Community Development Department:

·        Amendment Education for Amendment #7 and Amendment #12 (Elizabeth Wood)


Meeting video clips shown have been shortened for content.  The full meeting video may be obtained at

·        12/7/11 Planning Board Public Hearing (Entire meeting video can be found here)

o   Minutes

o   WCTV Video Clip (00:05:21)