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Section 200 Definitions, Section 702.8, & Appendix A-1 Yard Requirements

To amend Section 200 by adding a definition of “front lot line”, deleting the definition of “yard”, & amending the definitions of “front yard”, “rear yard” & “side yard”; to add Section 702.8 to provide that docks & boat houses are permitted within the minimum required rear yard for waterfront lots provided that it obtains all necessary NHDES permits; to amend the Appendix A-1 chart by deleting note 12 as a footnote to “Table of Requirements”, adding note 4 as a footnote to “Min. Front Yard in feet”, adding note 12 as a footnote to “Min. Rear Yard in feet”, & deleting the “Single Family Dwellings” heading; to amend Appendix A-1 note 4 regarding yard requirements for corner lots; & to amend Appendix A-1 note 12 by adding “except that” to the beginning.

Vice-Chair Crisler read the Public Hearing notice into the record.

Mr. Corwin drew the Board’s attention to page 2 which sited the 10/26 workshop of the proposed amendment and were no revisions.  He drew out 3 points on Attorney Campbell’s memo:

        Regarding Proposed Section 702.08-Counsel suggested such uses be admitted in the side yard also.  Mr. Corwin thought this was a useful change;

        Attorney Campbell suggested adding note 12 as a parenthetical footnote to appendix A-1. as a requirement for ;minimum side yard;

        Attorney Campbell suggested revising proposed note 4 because it is not a defined term.  However, Mr. Corwin noted that it is defined in the definition section and so it will be left as it is.

Vice-Chair Crisler motioned to open Section 200 Definitions for Public Hearing.  Seconded by Ms. DiFruscia.  Motion passed:  7-0.

Board comments/concerns included:

        Clarification of setbacks for Commercial Corner lots when it abuts residential vs non-residential lot was asked for.  Also, have there been any changes;  Mr. Corwin stated that changes would occur for corner lots located in the PB&T, Business Commercial A & B, and Limited Industrial Districts.  In those Districts, on a corner lot, where you had a 30 ft setback, there is now a 20 ft setback.  But where it abuts a Residential use, there has been no change; it is a 50 ft setback.

Chairwoman Post opened the hearing to the Public.  Hearing none, she closed the Public Hearing.

Ms. St. Laurent motioned to move the proposed changes to Section 200 Definitions, Section 702.8, and Appendix A-1 Yard Requirements as discussed tonight with the amendments of:

        adding footnote 12 to Table A-1 as a minimum side yard requirement;

        Section 702.08 - for docks and boathouses - to be allowed in the required rear and side yard. 

Vice-Chair Crisler seconded.  Motion passed:  7-0.