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Section 702.1.1 & Appendix A-1 Building Coverage Requirement. 

To amend Section 702.1.1 to provide that two storage sheds no more than 100 sq. ft. in size and no more than 12 ft. in height may be placed 10 ft. from the lot line in the side and/or rear yard, and amend  Appendix A-1, note 15 to provide that building coverage of a lot shall only measure those structures that have a roof and any attached accessory structures.

Mr. Corwin reviewed comments from Town Council’s 12/19/11 memo. regarding Section 702.1.1.

Board comments/questions included:

        Ms. Webber noted that with no definition of the term “structure,” the Board cannot go forward; Mr. Corwin stated that in the Definition Section 200 “structure” is defined in terms of how the Building Code defines it; in the Building Code it states; “that which is built or constructed.: 

        Ms. Webber asked what the definition of a building is; Mr. Corwin read from Section 200; “A building is any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy;”

        Attached and detached structures should be part of the language;

        Mr. Corwin said it made no difference whether the term “structure” or “building” were used, because both were described in the building code;

        Ms. Webber requested using the word “building” in place of “structure;”  Mr. Corwin and the Board agreed;

Chairwoman Post opened the Hearing to the Public.  Hearing none, she closed the Public Hearing.

Vice-Chair Crisler motion to move Section 702.1.1 and Appendix A-1 to the warrant with the following amendments:

        Wherever the word “structure” is used, it will be replaced by the word “building;”

        The phrase “no closer than” will be inserted before “10 ft. from the lot line…;”

        Section 702.1.1 will be renumbered and placed under Section 703; and

        Footnote 15 will be added to Appendix A-1.  Mr. McLeod seconded.  Motion passed:  7-0.