Back to 2012 Town Warrant

Back to Amendment #15

Ms. Skinner read Section 1 of the multi-zone parcel into the record.

2) To Amend the Windham Zoning Map by rezoning the following parcels, which are multi-zoned Residence District C & Rural District to all Residence District C:

·        Lot 19-A-801 (Brookview Road)

·        Lot 19-A-802 (Misty Meadow Road)

·        Lot 19-A-800 (Pleasant Street)

·        Lot 19-A-20 (17 Bridal Bridge Road)

·        Lot 14-A-300 (20 Bridal Bridge Road)

·        Lot 14-A-400 (Bridal Bridge Road)

Chairwoman Post asked if the Board would like to consider these as a group.  Vice-Chair Crisler suggested putting these aside; she did not feel comfortable rezoning these properties to Residential C which vastly increases the area for manufactured homes.

Vice-Chair Crisler motioned to delete these six (6) properties from consideration and do not move them to Town Warrant.  Ms. Skinner seconded.

Board comments/questions included:

        Ms. Webber asked if any of the property owners had contacted the office.  Ms. Wood said none had.

        Ms. Wood explained that about ½ of the properties are in Rural and the other half in Residential C; Vice-Chair Crisler suggested leaving it as is.  The requirement of 7500 sq ft for a manufactured home should be seriously considered before moving ahead.

Motion denied:  3-4 Mr. Sycamore, Chairwoman Post, Ms. Webber, and Mr. McLeod opposed.

Ms. Webber motioned to move to Town Warrant the following six (6) lots and change the zoning to Residential C:

        Lot #19-A-801 (Brookview Rd) condo

        Lot #19-A-800 (Pleasant St) condo

        Lot #19-A-802 (Misty Meadow Rd) cond

        Lot #19-A-20 (17 Bridal Bridge Rd) single family

        Lot 14-A-300 (20 Bridal Bridge Rd) single family

        Lot # 14-A-400 (Bridal Bridge Rd) Mostly power line easement.

Seconded by Mr. Sycamore.  Motion passed:  4-3.  Vice-chair Crisler, Ms. Skinner, and Ms. St. Laurent opposed.