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Back to Amendment #4

Purpose Sections for Gateway Commercial District (Section 605.3.1), Limited Industrial District (Section  606), and Professional, Business and Technology District (Section 614.1).  

        Delete the list of purposes in the Gateway Commercial District (Section 605.3.1) and replace it with (1) Provide for an area of commercial development, including mixed use of retail, service, and professional offices, all of which are designed to reflect its proximity to the I-93 interchange, (2) Ensure that the entrance of the Town reflects and/or compliments the architectural style of New England, maintains the historical character of Windham, and will be of architectural merit, and (3) Minimize sprawl, promote pedestrian-friendly design and maintain efficient traffic circulation and safety.

        Amend the Limited Industrial District (Section 606) Purpose to be “The Limited Industrial District is intended for uses, such as research laboratories, office buildings and light manufacturing industries where such uses are compatible and transitional with neighboring uses.”

        Delete the Professional, Business and Technology District (Section 614.1) Purpose and replace it with “This District is intended to function as an employment center for Windham and surrounding communities featuring business and professional offices, research and development facilities, light industry and complementary educational uses. The District is intended to be compatible and transitional with the neighboring uses”

Ms. Skinner read the Purpose Sections for the Gateway Commercial District (Section 605.3.1), Limited Industrial District (Section 606), and the Professional, Business and Technology District (Section 614.1) into the record.’

Ms. Scott explained that this is the second Public Hearing on the Purpose Sections.  Edits have been made according to the Board’s wishes.

Board comments/questions included:

        Confusion was expressed about reformatting edits and changes to the Gateway Purpose section; Ms. Scott explained that these edits are two separate edits that are independent of each other;

        The Board may decide how to cluster the Warrant Articles for the ballot;

        The possibility of having more than one (1) Gateway District was brought up; Ms. Scott explained that, for the purpose of the Gateway District, only the I-93 Interchange was considered.  To consider other Gateway Districts, a map change would be needed, and it is late in the year.  This suggestion will be added to next year’s workshop topics;

        Why was the last sentence was crossed out, Ms. Scott explained that because it did not relate to the new Design Regulations, but to the Performance Standards addressed in the Zoning Ordinance for this District, it was deleted.

Vice-Chair Crisler opened the Hearing to the Public.  Hearing none, she closed the Public Hearing.

Ms. DiFruscia motioned to move to Town Warrant the proposed amendments to the Purpose Sections; Section 605.3.1, Section 606, and Section 614.1.  Seconded by Ms. Webber.  Motion passed:  7-0.