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Back to Amendment #8


Section 603.1 & Section 704 Off-Street Parking & Loading Areas.  To delete Section 603.1; adding Section 704.2.7 allowing someone the outdoor, overnight parking of one registered and inspected commercial vehicle having less than 12,000 gross vehicle weight and no more than two axles at their residence.

Ms. Skinner read the hearing notice into the record.

Ms. Scott explained that this is the second Public Hearing on this item.  Ms. Scott stated that the Board had asked for two changes:

       Adding language that clarifies that parking of the vehicle must be at a property where the primary use of the property is residential; and

       That the commercial vehicle must be used by a resident living at that property.  Ms. Scott stated that the reason for this is so people won’t be parking commercial vehicles at residentially zoned vacant lots.

In addition, Ms Scott would be deleting some language from Section #603.1 and creating a new Section #704.2.7.

Mr. McLeod opened all the 2012 Town Meeting Zoning Amendments on the evening’s agenda.  Ms. Skinner seconded.  Motion passed:  7-0.

Board comments/concerns included:

        Mr. McLeod asked about the deletion of the reference to “the outdoor, overnight parking of one unregistered vehicle;”

        Ms. Scott clarified that in the movement of language from Section #603.1 to Section #704.2.7 the GVW was increased from 6,000 to 12,000.  The reference to outdoor, overnight parking of one unregistered vehicle does not appear in 704.2.7 because it was addressed in another Section of the Parking Standards.

Chairwoman Post opened the Hearing to the Public.  Hearing none, she closed the Public Hearing.

Board comments/concerns included:

        Ms. Webber thought it was over-regulating; What if two residents in the same home each work for companies that require them to have vehicles overnight.  Ms. Scott explained that in the current regulation they are not allowed to park overnight; but with this new change, they would be allowed to park 1 vehicle outside - the second vehicle needs to be garaged – in Districts A, B, and C  and the Rural District.  This Ordinance change is in response to incoming complaints.

        This new regulation expands the previous ordinance and allows for more; it is less restrictive.

Ms. Nysten motioned to move to Town Meeting the changes as presented to Sections #603.1 and #704.2.7.  Mr. Sycamore seconded.  Motion passed:  5-2.  Ms. Skinner and Mr. McLeod opposed.  Mr. McLeod stated that the language, “used by someone living at the property” was an odd qualifier.