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Citizens Petition Amendment #8

Proposed Changes:

To amend Section 710.2 of the zoning ordinance, which is the section that defines fence, to read as follows: “Fence: A manmade barrier or structure of any material or combination of materials erected anywhere on a lot for the purpose of (1) enclosing or separating all or any portion of a lot or (2) shielding, concealing, hiding or obstructing the view of all or any portion of a lot.”

Not Recommended by the Planning Board 6-1

·        Kathleen Difruscia, Sy Wrenn, Margaret Crisler, Kristi St. Laurent, Pam Skinner, Carolyn Webber for.

·        Jonathan Sycamore opposed.


Meeting video clips shown have been shortened for content.  The full meeting video may be obtained at

·        1/11/12 Planning Board Public Hearing (Entire meeting video can be found here)

o   Minutes

o   WCTV Video Clip (00:22:51)