Back to 2012 Town Warrant

Back to Amendment #1


Section 904 Appeals.  To add language that specifies the timeframe (30 days) in which an Appeal of Administrative Decision must be made to the Board of Adjustment.

Ms. Scott noted two minor comments from legal council:

        Section 1 is being proposed, because there is one regulation listed twice in our zoning regulations;

       Currently state law allows appeals to be made in a timely manner; Timely differs from person to person.

The proposal is to delete the duplicate language and to clarify when it is an appeal of Administrative Decision  or an appeal to the Planning Board.  In both cases, a thirty (30) day appeal period applies.

Ms. Scott reviewed the 10/26 memo from Attorney Campbell and his responses to the proposed amendments.

Chairwoman Post opened the hearing to the Public.  Hearing none, she closed the Public Hearing.

Vice-Chair Crisler motioned to move the amendment to Section 904 to Town Warrant as proposed.   Seconded by Ms. Skinner.  Motion passed:  6-0.