Back to 2012 Town Warrant

Back to Amendment #11

Section 720 Commercial Kennel Ordinance

This is the creation of a new ordinance and it provides for the regulation of Commercial Kennels including Customary Home Occupation Kennels.  Commercial Kennels are proposed to be located in the Commercial Business A District & Limited Industrial District.  Home Occupation Kennels would be permitted in the Rural District & Residence A, B, & C Districts. The ordinance includes a definitions section; an approvals process; regulations on setbacks, number of animals housed in a facility, lighting, fencing, & the removal of animal waste.  It also regulates noise created by dog barking according to NH RSA 466:31 (b) & requires dogs & cats that are boarded to be current in some vaccinations (as appropriate for an animal’s age).

Ms. Webber motioned to open Section 720 for Public Hearing.  Mr. McLeod seconded.  Motion passed:  7-0.

Ms. Wood noted there was e12/12/11 memo from Attorney Campbell with suggestions, and the Board would need to consider in what locations and zones “home occupations kennels” are to be allowed.  Customary Home Occupations in the Town are allowed in Rural and Residential A, B, and C Districts.  If the Board wants to change what Districts “home occupation kennel” are allowed in, now being considered a Customary Home Occupation, then the Ordinance would need to be amended.

Board comments/questions included:

        The Board discussed why Attorney Campbell struck language from Section 720.5.2 regarding 4 or fewer dogs; Ms. Wood thinks it should be kept in, because it regulates business and protects neighbors’ interest.

        Chairwoman Post asked why the Board, a land use Board, is getting involved in business use.  The major complaint is noise, and the Town has a Noise Ordinance;  Mr. McLeod stated that the Board is regulating business interests which intersects with land use;

        Vice-Chair Crisler stated that the purpose is to protect neighbors from nuisances, but also to protect the dogs’ care, and the land use protects residents from incompatible uses on local property;

        Ms. Webber noted that there are many issues that can develop if dogs are not cared for properly;

Chairwoman Post opened the Hearing to the Public.  Hearing none,  she closed the Public Hearing.

Board comments/questions included:

        Ms. Wood explained that if the Town decided not to adopt a Kennel Ordinance, then someone could come forward with a Customary Home Occupation for kenneling dogs on their property, meet all the regulations and have 8 or more dogs on their property, not well cared for; Staff is addressing in response to demand;

        The Board discussed local kennels and what Districts they are located in;

        Ms. Webber noted that all Attorney Campbell’s suggestions are good and should be incorporated;

Vice-Chair Crisler motioned to move to Town Warrant Section 720 Commercial Kennel Ordinance accepting all of Attorney Campbell’s amendments offered in his 12/12/11 memo, excepting:

        Section 720.5.2, where the Board will remove the first strike-out regarding “four (4) or fewer dogs” and return it to the text; and

Seconded by Mr. McLeod. 

The Board discussed the various Districts that kennels should be allowed in.  They decided to keep the allowed Districts as they are proposed:  Commercial Kennels are allowed in Commercial A and Limited Industrial and Customary Home Kennels are allowed in Rural and Residential A, B, and C.  Any substantive changes to the Ordinance at this point, would need another Public Hearing.

Motion passed:  4-2-1.  Chairwoman Post and Mr. Sycamore opposed.  Ms. Nysten  abstained.