Section 710.3.1 Fence Requirements.
To amend Section 710.3.1 by deleting references to the "lot line" and providing that fences in the Residence
A, B, C, Rural, Village Center District, and Historic Districts may be a
maximum of four feet (4') in height for fences located within the minimum
required front yard and a maximum of six feet (6') for fences located within
the minimum required side and rear yards.
Post, in response to an 11/28 memo from Attorney Campbell, noted that there was
already an exception to the height regulations of Section 710.3.4 in the
current Zoning Ordinances.
Post read Section 710.3.1 of the proposed Fence Requirements into the record.
Post opened the Hearing to the Public.
Hearing none, she closed the Public Hearing.
Vice-Chair Crisler
motioned to move to Town Warrant the amendment to Section 710.3.1 (Fence
Requirements) of the Zoning Ordinance.
Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Motion passed: 6-0.