Parcel Rezoning
1. To Amend the Windham Zoning Map by
rezoning Lot 8-B-3001 (Rockingham Road), which is multi-zoned Neighborhood
Business District & Rural District to all Rural District:
2. To Amend the Windham Zoning Map by
rezoning Lot 8-B-3900 (Rockingham Road), which is multi-zoned Residence
District B & Rural District to all Rural District:
Vice-Chair Crisler read the notice into the minutes.
Ms. Nysten recused herself from the
Ms. Wood
brought to the Board’s attention a map alteration that the Board may not
have noticed previously regarding Lot 8-B-3001 and 8-B-3900. Vice-Chair Crisler
noted that because both lots are Town owned Conservation Land, there is no
significant impact.
Post opened discussion to the Public noting that in changing Lot #8-B-3001, the
Board is also changing Lot #8-B-3900 as they had been combined. Hearing none, she closed discussion to
the Public.
Vice-Chair Crisler
motioned to move to the Town Warrant the rezoning of Lot #8-B-3001 from mixed
use to Rural District which would also include Lot #8-B-3900. Seconded by Ms. DiFruscia.
Motion passed: 7-0.