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Back to Amendment #4


Ms. Skinner read the Limited Industrial District (Section 606) into the record.

Amend the Limited Industrial District (Section 606) Purpose to be “The purpose of the Limited Industrial District is to create areas that are suitable for uses, such as research laboratories, office buildings and light manufacturing industries.”;

Ms. Scott confirmed that the Board had received a 4-page letter from resident, Karla Doukas.

Chairwoman Post opened the Hearing to the Public. 

Ms. Karla Doukas, of Hardwood Road claimed that the Limited Industrial district was intended to be low impact on neighbors.  Changes in the language have made these areas more visible and audible from her home.  She is concerned about the removal of qualifying language.  This language protects neighboring homeowners.  She thinks that if Industrial buildings can be seen or heard, they should be compatible with the neighboring area.  She proposed the Board use similar language to the Technology District that states, “…is compatible and transitional with neighboring uses.” Ms. Doukas would also like to eventually see some screening language restored.  She is confused by the language that says, “is to create areas.”  It is her understanding that these areas are already zoned Limited Industrial. 

Ms. Scott explained that the term “areas” refers to all the Limited Industrial areas in Town.

Mr. Ralph Valentine noted that the Planning Board has site plan regulations.  In addressing Ms. Doukas’ concerns, should the Board not be addressing the site plan regulations and not the purpose sections?

The Board addressed the remaining agenda items and was polled as to their intent to address the Work Force Housing workshop this evening.  The Board decided to reschedule the WFH workshop discussion to 12/7.

Ms. Eliza Boldridge of 9 Hardwood Road does not want the following language struck from Section 606, “compatible with low density, rural residential community.”

Mr. Ralph Valentine thinks that by deleting “intended” and substituting “suitable” the Planning Board is handing off some of the jurisdiction to the Zoning Board; that is not the Board’s intent.

Ms. Debbie Livingston of 2 Yorkshire would like to leave in “compatible with low density, rural residential community.”  The neighborhoods need to be protected.

Ms. Doukas does not think the regulations are adequate to protect the residential neighborhood.

Chairwoman Post closed the Public Hearing.

Mr. McLeod motioned to move to Public Hearing the amended language to Section 606 Limited Industrial District to read: The Limited Industrial District is intended for uses such as, research laboratories, office buildings, and light manufacturing industries, where such uses are compatible and transitional with the neighboring uses.  Seconded by Mr. Sycamore.  Motion passed:  7-0.