to Article 2: Amendment #5
the Professional, Business and Technology District (Section 614.1) Purpose and
replace it with “This District is intended to function as an employment
center for Windham and surrounding communities featuring business and professional
offices, research and development facilities, light industry and complementary
educational uses, all of which are low traffic generating. The District is
intended to be compatible and transitional with neighboring uses…”
Ms. Scott
read Section 614.1 Professional, Business, and Technology District into the
comments/concerns included:
The term “low traffic
generating” suggests the Town wants businesses that do not have much
business and may not be a successful concern; Ms. Scott explained that if the
Board looks at the uses permitted, they are not “low traffic”
generating businesses, and they are allowed.
The Board decided to strike the
“low traffic” language and address the traffic issue by defining
the nature of the businesses and the uses permitted.
Post opened the hearing to the Public.
Mr. Pat Nysten of Edgewood Road would like to leave the phrase
in. He suggested the Board look at
traffic impact in the aggregate. To
remove the language could open the door for variance applications that are
noncompliant with the intended uses.
He suggested modifying the language and not strike
Valentine noted that the major site plan application requires a traffic study
which would give the Board the information it needs to make a traffic
decision. He supported deleting the
language referring to low traffic.
Why try to limit traffic, when the Town needs tax revenue. He’s concerned that the Town is
writing ordinances in case someone wants to come and get a variance.
Chairwoman Post
said the Board’s intent is to provide clarity and guidance to those who
need a variance.
Mr. Nysten asked Mr. Valentine if he was speaking for himself
or for the WEDC.
Valentine said he is speaking as a resident of 18 Telo
Road; Mr. Young is the WEDC spokesperson.
Mr. Karl Dubay recommended taking out the “low traffic”
phrase. He remembered when the
PB&T District was formed, and at the time, the Board was talking about
putting in low-traffic language to avoid a Walmart
type of traffic which is different than PBT traffic.
Mr. Nysten said the Town does not want to send mixed
messages. He would like to see a
framework that is clear, concise.
Post closed the Public Hearing.
Mr. McLeod motioned to move to Town
Warrant Section 614.1, the Purpose Section of the Professional, Business, and
Technology District, as amended by removing, at the end of the first sentence,
the phrase, “all of which are low traffic generating.” Seconded by Ms.
Webber. Motion passed: 6-1. Ms. Nysten