706 Sign Regulations. To add language that allows up to
8” high street numbers to be included on a wall sign or as a wall sign
for identification purposes and not have it count towards the allowable wall
sign size.
Vice-Chair Crisler
read Section 706 Sign Regulations into the record
Ms. Scott
noted that legal council had signed off on this proposal. Mr. Sycamore asked if the Board wanted
to regulate any universal aspects; such as, font or design. Ms. Scott mentioned that the Fire
Department wanted a certain size for identification purposes only. Usually, the free standing sign is the
same font and colors as the rest of their signage. The applicant may want to keep it
consistent with their other signs.
Chairwoman Post opened the Hearing to the Public. Hearing none, she closed the Public
Ms. Skinner motioned to move Section
706 Sign Regulations to Town Warrant.
Seconded by ViceChair Crisler.
Motion passed: 6-0.