Amendment #9 – Definition Section
200 and
Off-Street Parking
& Loading Areas Section 704
Sy Wrenn, Alternate
Planning Board Member
In an
effort to educate the public on the zoning ordinance amendments that are being
recommended by the Planning Board for 2012 Town Meeting, a series of articles
will be published leading up to Town Meeting on March 13th. Each article will provide a summary of one or
more zoning amendments being proposed.
History: (What is the current status?) Currently our definition of a recreational
vehicle and our parking regulations are located in the Zoning Ordinance.
Why: (Is this being proposed?) The definition of a recreation vehicle needs
to be updated as well as the rules regarding parking and occupancy on
residentially zoned properties. The
other part of the amendment is to move the off-street parking regulations for
commercial properties to the Site Plan Regulations to give the Planning Board
the flexibility to waive requirements if the situation warrants.
(If this is passed by the voters.) The definition of a Recreation Vehicle will
be modified to include Recreational Camper.
Also the regulations regarding Recreational Vehicles/Recreational Campers
are rewritten to clarify where they can be parked on a lot, how long they can
be occupied by a resident and under what conditions.
Off-Street Parking & Loading Areas sections of the Zoning Ordinance for
commercial properties will be deleted in their entirety. After this is passed by the voters, the
Planning Board will adopt the same regulations as part of the Site Plan