Building Code Board of Appeals.
As is authorized under NH RSA 673:1(V), the Zoning Board of Adjustment is
to act as the Building Code Board of Appeals.
Ms. Skinner
read the Building Code of Appeals amendment into the record.
Ms. Scott
reviewed the history of the Board never having established a Building Code
Board of Appeal. Two weeks ago, the
Planning Board had decided to propose that the Zoning Board perform this
function and not create another Board.
Additionally, Attorney Campbell, in his memo, suggested combining the
three (3) separate Building Code Hearing items into one question for the
ballot. In order to do this, the
Board needs to hold a formality hearing to combine them into one question. Ms. Scott recommends this and would post
the Hearing Notice for the meeting of the Board on the 28th.
Board comments/questions included:
question about what “local modifications” means and have they been
implemented. “Local
modifications” means the amendments to the Building Code.
Vice-Chair Crisler opened the Hearing to the Public.
Ms. Nancy Pendergast, 35 Sharon Road, asked where she could find the
amendments to the Building Code.
Does it appear in zoning?
Ms. Scott explained that it would not appear in Zoning, but it does go
through the same process as a Planning Board Warrant Article. If approved, it will be
come part of the Zoning Board processes.
Vice-Chair Crisler closed the Hearing to the Public.
Ms. DiFruscia
motioned to move to Town Warrant the proposed amendments to the Purpose Section
for the Limited Industrial District (Section 606) and to hold another Public
Hearing for the purpose of combining the three (3) Building Code items as one
question on the ballot. Ms. Webber
• Ms. Nysten asked if Attorney Campbell will review these changes
for correctness, before it goes to Town Meeting, or will it be staff; Ms. Scott
explained that Attorney Campbell will work with staff on the ballot questions
and will review any substantive changes, but staff will address any minor ones.
Motion passed: 7-0.