To authorize
the Town of Windham to adopt and enforce the NH Building Code, as adopted by
the State of NH, in accordance with RSA 155-A, subject to the following
International Residential Code Sections
R101.1, R105.2, R108.5, R301.2(1) and R302.5.1;
International Building Code Sections
101.1, 1612.3, and 3412.2;
International Plumbing Code Sections
101.1, 106.6.2, 106.6.3, 108.4, and 108.5;
International Mechanical Code Sections
101.1, 106.5.2, 108.4, and 108.5; and
International Energy Conservation Code
Sections 101.1, 107.5, and 108.4
In addition,
adopt language about validity, affect on ongoing legal proceedings, and
effective date; to repeal the 2003 edition of the International Residential
Building Code adopted at 2005 Town Meeting; to authorize the Building
Inspector, as designated by the Selectmen, to enforce the State Building Code
as authorized under RSA 155-A:1(III), with the enforcement powers as provided
in RSA 676 for enforcement of local land use ordinances; and have the Zoning
Board of Adjustment act as the Building Code Board of Appeals as authorized
under NH RSA 673:1(V).
Vice-Chair Crisler read the notice into the minutes.
Ms. Scott
explained that the language changes have already been approved and moved to
Warrant. There have been three
previous Public Hearings regarding 3 separate items in question, and the
purpose of tonight’s meeting is to combine them into one question for the
Post opened discussion to the Public.
Hearing none, she closed discussion to the Public.
Vice-Chair Crisler
motioned to move the amendments to the Warrant as was previously read. Seconded by Ms.
Skinner. Motion passed: 7-0.