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Article 4: Citizens Petition Amendment #3
Petition #3: To amend Section 616 to extend the Cobbetts Pond Watershed Protection Ordinance to include the
Canobie Lake Watershed by adding the words “and
Canobie Lake” everywhere the words “Cobbetts Pond” appear, by changing the words of
Section 616 from singular to plural as needed, and by adding the words
“and Canobie Lake Watershed Overlay District
Parcel Map dated 11/15/11” at the end of Section 616.2.1
Ms. Webber
read Citizen’s Petition #3 into the record.
Mr. McLeod motioned to open
Citizen’s Petition #3 for Public Hearing. Seconded by Ms.
Webber. Motion passed: 7-0.
Post explained that this petition is identical to the proposal offered by the
Planning Board which was recently withdrawn. Ms. Nysten
asked if anyone had any objections to her remaining seated because she lives in
the Canobie Lake Watershed. No one objected.
Ms. Ginny Campiola representing the petitioners and the Canobie Lake Protection Association thanked the Board for
their support and encouragement.
She continued to document, with various letters of support, the Public
Health, Safety, and Welfare of this Petition. She hopes the people of Windham will
support this with a two-thirds majority, as well as receiving Board
support. She continued to detail
the extensive scientific report by Nick Skagel that
was performed in advance of this petition.
Mr. Wrenn asked why the study was done and who it was done for;
Ms. Campiola stated that Mr. Skagel,
Source Protection Specialist, did it for the Granite State Rural Water
Association who had received a grant.
Ms. Betty
Dunn explained the history of the grant and explained that 78% of the watershed
is in Windham.
Mr. Wrenn asked what Salem is doing to their part of the Watershed. Ms. Dunn stated that there is an
upcoming meeting in February. They
do not, however, have a similar Ordinance to the CPWP Ordinance.
Ms. Campiola noted that Mr. Rick Russell, Salem’s
Director of Public Works, is in strong support of the Ordinance. Ms. Nysten
noted that Mr. Russell’s letter made a reference to using Arlington Pond
as asecondary water source during off-season
periods. Ms. Campiola
mentioned that Canobie Lake is a Class A body of
water and the Association wants to maintain that and prevent dumping Arlington
Pond into it. Mr. Wrenn asked if there was a study and any effort to protect
Arlington Pond;
Ms. Dunn explained that in October, Salem switches to Arlington
Pond use which goes directly to the treatment plant. DES does not allow Arlington water to go
directly to Canobie. Ms. Nysten
stated that it is cheaper to maintain and protect the water quality of Canobie than to have the water degregate
and then clean it up. Ms. Campiola made a distinction between the Shoreland
Protection Act and the Watershed Ordinances which covers every bit of land that
feeds water into the Lake.
Carpenter asked if the CPWP, which has been in place for almost 2 years, is
working; Ms.
Scott said it is implemented and it is difficult to measure. Ms. DiFruscia
thinks it has helped prevent degradation of the Lake.
Post closed the Hearing to the Public.
Mr. McLeod
thinks it is a matter of local control to keep our bodies of water vibrant and
keep our property values up. He is
in full support. Ms. DiFruscia noted that that our bodies of water are
irreplaceable. Ms. Nysten offered that of all the water on Earth, less than 1%
is drinking water. Mr. Wrenn feels bad for the property owners who have 2% of
their lot in the defining Watershed line.
Chairwoman Post said they could apply for a variance.
Mr. McLeod motioned to recommend
Citizen’s Petition #3. Seconded by Ms. Webber.
Motion passed: 7-0.