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Back to Ross McLeod


My votes for the Windham Board of Selectmen this year will go to both Ross McLeod and Roger Hohenberger.  One of the factors I consider when voting for candidates for any board is the practical matter of board composition.  I believe the current board, as a whole, considers each issue as it comes before them and, based on weighing the fiscally prudent avenue vs. the needs of Windham’s residents, makes a thoughtful decision.  When a board is composed this way it can be somewhat hard to predict what any given result may be but the final decision often is what is in the best interest of the Town of Windham as a whole.

If either Ross Mcleod or Roger Hohenberger do not win on March 13th I feel strongly that the board composition will change entirely.  The new board will become far more predictable and the decisions they make may only benefit a portion of the Windham Community based on one political viewpoint, rather than the suitability of the issue itself.  Given the two choices I will choose the board that gives all citizens equal opportunity on any given issue.

Thankfully, in addition to being the practical pick, both Ross McLeod and Roger Hohenberger are great choices for other reasons as well.  Both have helped to maintain a near flat budget over the course of the last three years.  Both support school impact fees which help to reduce the tax impact to our community due to increased residential development.

Ross McLeod has been, and continues to be, willing to stand up for what is right regardless of the consequences.  He is not afraid to be the only man in the room that will stand up for either an idea or a process which he believes in his heart is the correct course of action. In addition, the stance he is backing is based on intelligent, thoughtful consideration of all sides involved not just the loudest party in the room.   Critically, Ross also has no financial ties to any business in Windham and readily offers his recusal when anything he is personally involved with comes before the board.

When Roger Hohenberger used the terms “fairness” and “an open mind” to describe himself on candidates night he hit the nail right on the head.  When the deciding vote for any issue falls on him I never worry that something has been predetermined or that outside influences have swayed his vote – just logic, and measured calculation of the facts presented.   This is confirmed as he gives his rationale for the decision he has made.  I may not always agree with him but I always know why he has made the decision which in my opinion is a defining characteristic I look for in the people representing me.  Roger also has no financial ties leading to a conflict of interest.

Please join me in voting for both Ross McLeod and Roger Hohenberger on March 13th.

Heath Partington

Windham Resident