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Warrant Articles No. 18 and 19.

          Residents of Windham have put forth two Conflict of Interest petitions that appear as Articles 18 and 19 on the Town Warrant.  These petitions are designed to prohibit conflicts of interests and assure that town employees and officials serve only the residents of Windham and do not use their position with the town to advance their own interests or that of their friends, relatives and business associates. 

          If you think that town officials would never engage in conduct that favors their own interest or that of their friends, relatives and business associates, you are mistaken.  For instance, last year a $35,000 no-bid contract was awarded to a local business that has a business relationship with a member of the Board of Selectmen. That Selectman did not recuse himself from voting on the award of the bid but instead cast the deciding vote in favor of the award of this no-bid contract. 

          By way of another example, not long ago a member of the Planning Board resisted a request for his disqualification from hearing and deciding a request to convert the North Clark Farm property from rural zone to commercial zone even though that Planning Board member was employed by a company that was owned by the same person who owned North Clark Farm.

           Another example would be the town’s engagement of an engineer to certify the protest petition brought by the abutters of North Clark Farm.  The abutters protested the rezoning of North Clark Farm from rural to commercial zone.  The engineer engaged by the town was the same engineer who was the long time engineer for the person who owned North Clark Farm.  It was no surprise that the engineer concluded that there were an insufficient number of abutters to constitute a valued protest petition.  After the outcry of some who claimed that the engineer that was hired by the town had a conflict of interest, the town was forced to engage another engineer to perform the certification work. The second engineer certified that there were, in fact, a sufficient number of abutters to constitute a valid protest petition.  The protest petition was subsequently upheld by the court. 

          The list of examples of crony politics, favoritism and inside dealings goes on and on.

          Town officials and town employees should serve the public and only the public. Common decency, honesty, integrity and fairness mandate that town officials and town employees should be prohibited from partaking in any action that involves their own interests or that of their family and business associates.   If you agree, vote in favor of the adoption of warrant articles 18 and 19.  If you do not agree, it can only be because you are one of those insiders who are using the system for your personal benefit.

          Please vote in favor of adopting the Conflict of Interest rules set forth in Article 18 and Article 19.

 Concerned citizen,

J. Mckenzie